Economic and Community Development
M. Gill & Associates, Inc. specialize in brand identity and economic development activities that require public outreach, coordination, or community participation and the leveraging of public/private financing and partnerships.
Our professionals help corporate and private sector clients develop and deliver economic growth initiatives that meet the needs of low-moderate income residents and small/minority/women business owners, all while building a positive image in the community.

Corporate Growth Strategies
M. Gill & Associates, Inc. designs and helps implement corporate diversity initiatives such as the following:
- Vendor-Buyer relations and monitoring of diversity spends
- Adopt-a-Vendor programs
- Mentor-Protégé programs
- Strategies to increase MBEs, WBEs, SBEs, CSBEs veterans’ participation in corporate and CBEs, and Service Disabled Government contracting.
Marketing & Public Relations
M. Gill & Associates' team of multilingual consultants offer various marketing and public relation tools to accommodate clients. We develop, administer and manage marketing and public relation strategies.
With a proven track record of success, and an untarnished reputation in the industry, M. Gill & Associates, Inc. is proud to be the full-service management and public relations consulting firm you trust for all your company’s needs.